
What's Kid's Ministry all about?

At Durkeetown, we provide age-appropriate instruction for children which encourages spiritual growth and partners with parents to train up their children in the knowledge of Christ in their homes.

Our goal is to offer a safe environment where kids can learn about God's plan for their lives through gospel-centered curriculum in both Sunday School and Children's Church.

Our classes are staffed with volunteers who love and care for your child just like they would their own children (many of our staff currently have children who are the age(s) of the class they're working in and are, thus, "in touch" with what is age-appropriate). They teach a Bible lesson, which includes Scripture, prayer, music and a craft or activity each week. 

All of our volunteers have been background-checked and are supervised in conjunction the classes they lead or teach. NO ADULT is ever left alone with children - we teach and lead our children in PAIRS or couples, at the very least.


What do we offer?

At Durkeetown, we offer two types of teaching ministry for our kids:

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program is for children of all ages:

PreK-K: children from 3 years old through Kindergarten

Kids need a place to learn more about God's love for them on their level - and let's be real: YOU need someone to watch your kids so you can learn more about God's love for you on YOUR level, too. In our PreK-K class, we begin to lay a foundation for the deep love of Jesus and His church in a safe and fun environment. Taught by Mrs. Vicki Slate and assisted by Mrs. Bonnie Armstrong, our "littles" have an enjoyable class time in which they sing, play, learn foundational Bible stories, memorize Scripture and do activities coinciding with the Bible theme of the day.

Elementary: children from 1st grade through 6th grade

The elementary years can be challenging for a family - there are so many distractions that pull our kids away from God and the Church. It can be tough to encourage your children to stay connected to the Bible and the Christian life. We believe it's important for our elementary-aged students to have a safe place to learn about what it means to have a deep relationship with Jesus, God's Word and what it means to be a part of the Church. 

Our kids develop life-long friendships in a small group setting with gospel-centered lessons taught by Miss Sammie Neigh and her assistant, Mr. Zeke Neigh. They learn about Jesus, worship and have fun together with a Bible story/lesson, music, games, fellowship, hands-on activities, prayer and Scripture memory challenges. 


Teens: young people from 7th grade through 12th grade

The teenage years can be chaotic and trying years for a family but they are also the time when most of our students mature quickly spiritually. It's normal for teens to begin to have questions and doubts about their faith - they begin asking hard questions of and about God and the Christian faith. Teenagers need a safe space where they feel welcomed, known and loved in order to work through their doubts and questions. 

Mr. Todd and Mrs. Tricia Andrews are the team-teachers leading our teen group through these turbulent years by encouraging them to build strong relationships with their parents and other faithful adults in their lives. They lead their class with an open-forum style of teaching, helping their young students to dig deep into Scripture and giving them the tools to study God's Word for themselves.

Our hope is that through these deeper relationships they will feel encouraged and desire to pursue Christ on their own and in our community. 


Children's Church

Our Children's Church program begins with all children in the worship service - after the majority of praise/worship/scripture reading is done, Pastor Ken dismisses our children to go to Children's Church.

Children's Church ages: 3 year olds through 2nd grade


Sunday School begins for all ages at 9:00am each week and Children's Church begins some time between 10:30am and 11:00am.


You are welcome to come and join our children on their Christ-Life journey.