There are many ways for Adults to get involved in the ministry of Durkeetown including learning, service and fellowship opportunities.
Sunday School:
For Bible learning opportunities we have classes co-existing simultaneously with our Children's and Teen's scheduled classes. Learning opportunities take various forms such as Bible book studies and topical studies all taught by or fascillitated, in the case of DVD-driven studies, by competent Bible teachers. Most of our classes are coed but we do occassionally have women's and men's separate studies.
Men's Opportunities:
Men's Breakfasts are times for fellowship, food and learning more from God's Word.
Men's Fall Retreat:
Once a year our men join with other area men for a retreat in the Fall - it's a refreshing weekend event that includes a special speaker, worship times and activities all in a local camp atmosphere.
Women's Opportunities:
Ladies Nite Out:
Once a year, usually in the Spring, our ladies plan an evening of fellowship, food, crafts and devotional time. It's a lovely spirit-refreshing time for all involved.